Saturday, February 12, 2011

Free Baby Samples: How Expecting Moms Get Free Baby Stuff

Have you ever heard of a new mom getting tons of free baby samples in the mail before and after pregnancy?  Well, beleive it or not, most major baby brands give out millions of dollars worth of free baby coupons, formula, diapers, and other products.  This can be great for inexperienced moms...finding out which brands you like can be expensive if you buy everything instead of trying it first.

In this article, I will show you how I got dozens of free samples and baby stuff before my second child was born.  It's really simple and anyone with a computer and telephone can do it.

Get Baby Samples Online

This is definitely the easiest and most effective way to get free baby samples.  In fact, if you are busy and don't have lots of extra time, this can be a great way to get free stuff without spending all day doing it.

There are a couple of ways you can find these samples, but I'll skip the fluff and tell you the only 2 things you need to know the get the best samples in the least amount of time.  

First off, create a new email account.  Pick Gmail, Yahoo, whatever, that part is not important, however what is the fact that you will have a seperate email specifically for baby sample offers.   You will notice that after filling out hundreds of sample requests many of these companies send annoying emails day in and day out.  Although, there are some real "gems" within these emails, it's a lot easier if you just send them to seperate email account.  That way, you can look at the sample offers on your terms, and not be interrupted by a buzzing phone just to see a silly newsletter from Babies R Us. 

Secondly, find a reputable site that frequently publishes new baby samples.  You can search all over to find a site that you like, but we've found this free baby samples website to be the best when it comes to new offers.  They publish dozens of free baby stuff every week.  Plus they don't send annoying emails like some of the other sites.  They only send one email a week that just gives a run down of the latest baby sample postings.  

Another way to find free baby samples is to do a search on Google for them.  However, many of these sites we've found to be kinda scammy and somewhat of a waster of time.  Not to discredit all the sites, but most are posting old, expired samples offers and are hard to navigate.  It looks like some of these sites were designed in 1995...ugh gross!

Hopefully this will help you get started on your quest for free stuff for your baby.  If you have any questions or would like to share your "secret spot" to find free samples. please leave a reply in the comments.  Thanks and best of luck to all of you new mommies!